It’s no secret that Google is an SEO powerhouse. Getting over 3.5 billion searches in one day alone (that’s 40,000 a second!), Google is one of the best places that your business can be discovered on the internet. Google serves as the middleman between your business and potential clients. It’s important that your business has an optimized search presence on the internet in order to reach as many potential clients as it can, which is why you should seriously considering using Google Business.
Google Business is a pretty simple concept - if customers are looking for a specific business or service when searching on Google, related businesses in the area who are utilizing Google Business will appear higher up in that search ranking.
Through Google Business companies can share any updates, specials, or offers in their listings in order to attract potential or returning clients. These updates are listed alongside of your business - making it easy for clients to see all that your business has to offer with one glance. Here are a few more items of information you can share with clients with Google Business:
Hours of operationI
Phone number
Address (Including the number of miles away the company is from user’s current location)
You may be thinking, “But I have a website with all of that information. Why do I need both?” The answer is twofold. First, Google Business is a great way to bring in potential clients, and a great way for business owners to see results on how successful their business’s presence is doing online outside of their website. Within Google Business, business owners can easily view their analytics including customer activity, weekly number of page views, how many website clicks you have received, and how many of these views have called or requested directions to your business.
Second, your customers are looking for the quickest way to gather information regarding your business. Many times, the simple act of just clicking through to a webpage to further their research is an extra step that they don’t want to take. Google Business listings populate right in the Google search page allowing your information to be right where they are already looking.
Google Maps is also integrated with Google Business allowing clients to get directions to your business right from their mobile phones or laptops. This provides you with the helpful data regarding the general areas where your customers are located, so you know how far of an outreach your business has, and where in the community your clients are located!
If you are interested in learning more about Google Business, or need assistance with getting your business listed with Google Business, give us a call. Skigital’s team of social media marketers are here to help you make sure your business successfully grows. Click here to learn more.